The Cleanse, Day 8

On Day 8, it’s okay for me to eat all types of fruits and veggies again. I am really getting tired of this cleanse so I ate rice today even though I’m not supposed to eat it until tomorrow. Ah, well – you win some, you lose some.

ST made his amazing arroz con pollo and I couldn’t help eating a few bites of the rice. It was cooked with chicken, mushrooms, onions, and homemade sofrito. At least I didn’t eat any chicken!

Here are my meals for today:

  • Breakfast: A handful of baby carrots
  • Lunch: A very small portion of the arroz (7-8 spoonfuls)
  • Snack: A handful of longan and a banana
  • Dinner: A small bowl of arroz

ST works for part of the summer while I’m off the entire summer. He only works half the day, but I get lonely without him so I like to go out and keep busy. Today I went for a long bike ride in Prospect Park with a friend. We biked 4 loops, which made my legs ache. One loop is 3.35 miles so including the bike ride home from Prospect Park, I biked 14.5 miles today. Not too shabby.

After that, we trekked out to Flushing, Queens to bring arroz con pollo and cookies to my cousin who’s been in and out of the hospital. Poor guy.

When we got home, ST decided to crack open a yummy watermelon we bought a few days ago and make me watermelon bing. It’s the most refreshing thing ever, and you’ll drink lots of it as long as watermelons are in season : )

All you need is:

  1. Fresh watermelon
  2. Ice cubes
  3. A blender

It’s basically a watermelon slushie. They sell it in Chinese bakeries but ST makes it for me without added sugar or milk.

There’s nothing like a refreshing glass of bing while watching manbearpig : )

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